Our highly interdisciplinary research is made possible since our team consists of people with a diverse scientific background. We design and construct new measuring setups, but we also purify macromolecules from biological tissues. We quantify the material properties of both fluids and viscoelastic solids, characterize their composition and topology and employ microstructuring techniques as well as - in some cases - simple assays from cell biology or microbiology. If you enjoy tackling complex problems in an area where basic and applied research meet, then we are the right lab for you!
As a student
If you would like to perform a Bachelor’s thesis or term paper in our lab, then we expect to you possess basic knowledge in the field of Bioengineering. Thus you must have successfully passed at least one of the following two classes:
Lecture: Design principles in biomaterials - nature as an engineer
Lecture: Introduction to bioengineering: bio-inspired material design
current term paper:
currently none
Conducting a Master’s thesis project in our lab requires an advanced knowledge of topography/rheology/tribology. Thus, you are additionally expected to have successfully passed one of the following two classes:
Lecture: Characterization of biomaterials for engineers
Lecture: Microscopic Biomechanics
In addition to our primary target group of Medical Engineering students, we also offer thesis topics to students from the fields of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology. Since Master student projects are typically embedded into one of our current research projects, a list of possible thesis topics is not available on this web site. If you are interested in a Master’s thesis, please contact Prof. Lieleg via the following e mail address: bme.mw(at)tum.de and send a recent transcript of records with your application.
current Master's thesis:
currently none
please send your application to bme.mw(at)tum.de
External thesis projects are only supervised by our group if the project is part of one of our scientific collaborations and was initiated by Prof. Lieleg or the PI of one of our collaborating labs. In this case, the thesis topic will agreed upon between the PI of the host lab and Prof. Lieleg. Supervision requests which do not meet these criteria will not be answered.
As a doctoral candidate/ PhD student:
Please find open positions here:
currently none
If we can currently not offer any funded positions for a PhD, it might be possible to join our group via a fellowship program. If you hold an excellent Master’s degree suitable to our field of research and have experience with experimental lab work, you might be eligible for applying for a fellowship. In this case, please contact Prof. Lieleg via the following e-mail-address: bme.mw(at)tum.de
In your email, please clearly point out your scientific background, specify what topic you would like to work on and indicate where you would apply for funding. If any of those items are missing in your e-mail, we cannot process your inquiry.
As a Post Doc:
Post Docs who would like to extend their scientific experiences are welcome to do so in our group. However, own funding is required for post-doctoral scholars, e.g. through a scholarship or an own research proposal. We are happy to support you in the proposal writing process.
A great opportunity for acquiring initial funding is the „Research Opportunities Week“ which is hosted every year by TUM. The next round of applications with Reseach Opportunities Week will take place on October, 9-13th, 2023
Please find more information about this and other programs here.