Rheology and Tribology
Our lab is currently equipped with 2 shear rheometers from Anton Paar. Due to their modular design and the large variety of accessories available, a broad range of measurements are possible with those machines including:
- viscosity measurements
- dynamic shear measurements (= determining viscoelastic parameters)
- LAOS measurements (= large amplitude oscillations)
- macro-indentation
- rotational tribology
- oscillatory tribology
A description of exemplary measurements can be found in the following papers:
K. Boettcher, S. Grumbein, U. Winkler, J. Nachtsheim, and O. Lieleg, Adapting a commercial shear rheometer for applications in cartilage research, Review of Scientific Instruments, 85, 093903 (2014)
B. Winkeljann, A.B. Bussmann, M.G. Bauer and O. Lieleg, Oscillatory tribology performed with a commercial shear rheometer, Biotribology. 14, 11-18 (2018)
For a full list of equipment/accessories available and for questions regarding the feasibility of certain measurements, please contact M.Sc.Bernardo Miller Naranjo b.miller [at] tum.de
We offer such measurements exclusively as part of scientific collaborations, which should also lead to the joint publication of the data we collect (co-authorship). If you are interested in rheological/tribological measurements, please contact Prof. Lieleg at: oliver.lieleg [at] tum.de and briefly describe your research project and the scientific question that we should help you to answer. Ideally, include those information in following questionnaire and attach it to your inquiry: