- Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Copper–Tungsten Powders Manufactured by Milling or Co-Injection Atomization Process. Materials 17 (17), 2024, 4394 more…
- In Situ Analysis of Stress and Microstructure Evolution during Welding of High-Alloy Steels Using Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 33, 2024, 7659-7669 more…
- Energy-dispersive X-ray stress analysis under geometric constraints: exploiting the material's inherent anisotropy. Journal of Applied Crystallography 56 (2), 2023, 526-538 more…

Group Leader- Material Performance.
Adress: Freisinger Landstraße 52.
85748, Garching bei München
E-Mail: nico.hempel(at)tum.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 289 - 55345
Fax: +49 (0) 89 289 - 55342
Raum : B1.2.10
Curriculum Vitae
since 09/ 2020 | Group leader Materials Performance at TU Munich |
2021 | Doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.), TU Braunschweig |
2013-2020 | Researcher at Institute of Joining and Welding, TU Braunschweig |
2011-2013 | Researcher at Institute of Solid Mechanics, TU Braunschweig |
2009-2010 | Studies of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, USA |
2005-2011 | Studies of Mechanical Engineering at TU Braunschweig (Dipl.-Ing.) |
Research focus
- Mechanical behavior of materials in welding and additive manufacturing
- Modeling and simulation of thermomechanical behavior of materials
- Formation mechanisms and effects of residual stress
- Fatigue of welded and additively manufactured materials