Instruments and measurement techniques
- Acoustic emission analysis system with multi-channel transient recorder and calibrated resonant, multi-resonant and broadband acoustic emission sensors for locating micro-fractures
- Digital Image Correlation (DIC) using two 2.4 MPixel cameras and LED lights to detect displacement at surfaces due to cracking
- Eddy current: multi-frequency eddy current system for crack detection of metallic objects
- Inductive/capacitive instruments for measuring the rebar cover as well as conduit and defect tracking
- Infrared-Thermography with a high resolution microbolometer camera and miniature camera; wide angle, macro and telephoto lenses, optically active excited Lockin-Thermography
- Moisture analyzer for the determination of concrete, screed and wood moisture; microwave measurements
- Network analyzer for calibration of measuring equipment and for ultrasound phase spectroscopy
- Radar with a 1600 MHz antenna, measuring wheel and laser position marks for profile measurements
Radiographic training device with goniometer and different x-ray sources
Simulation algorithms for modeling the propagation of elastic or electromagnetic waves
Ultrasonic shear wave array with point-contact probes in transmission / reflection; tomography
Ultrasound-Phased-Array for reflection measurements
Videoendoscopy for visual inspection
Vibration analysis (multi-channel) with a modal analysis system, a modal analysis hammer and various broadband vibration sensors (1D, 3D); Seismometer; Laser Vibrometer with interchangeable lenses for non-contact vibration measurement
Wireless sensor nodes for wireless monitoring of structures (strain, temperature, vibration, humidity, etc.)