Polina Pugacheva, M.Sc.

E-Mail: | polina.pugacheva(at)tum.de |
Background: | Education: Geosciences / University of Bremen Degree: Bachelor of Science (2017) Applied Geosciences (Emphasis: Geophysics-Hydrogeology-Geological Engineering) / RWTH Aachen University Degree: Master of Science (2020) since April 2020 employee of the cbm |
Teaching assistant in the field of non-destructive testing in civil and mechanical engineering
Supervised Student Activities
Spreen, Birte (2022): „Archaeological prospecting of the former metal foundry site in the English Garden, Munich„ (Masters thesis).
Steiner, Theresa (2022): „Radarmessung im Schlosspark der Schlossanlage Schleißheim – archäologische Untersuchung des ehemaligen Blumenparterres.“ (Semester thesis).
Focus of Research
- Non-destructive testing in the field of archeology for conservaion of cultural heritage
- Acoustic Emission Analysis
Research Projects
Improvement of Non-Destructive Testing Techniques in Archaeology and for the Preservation of our Cultural Heritage (NDTofCH)
Zyklische Schädigungsprozesse in Hochleistungsbetonen im Experimental-Virtual-Lab, SPP 2020
Lauff P, Pugacheva P, Rutzen M, Weiß U, Fischer O, Volkmer D, Peter MA, Grosse CU. (2021) "Evaluation of the Behavior of Carbon Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete (CSFRC) Based on a Multi-Sensory Experimental Investigation and a Numerical Multiscale Approach." Materials 14, No. 22: 7005. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14227005