Ana Eugenia Menéndez Orellana, M.Sc.

E-Mail: | ana.menendez(at) |
Tel: | 089 / 289 - 57063 (Garching) |
Background: | Education: 2020, B.Eng. in Civil Engineering, José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA), El Salvador 2022, M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (PWr), Poland 2022-2023 research intern of the cbm since July 2023 employee of the cbm
Teaching assistant in the field of non-destructive testing in civil and mechanical engineering
Research Projects
Student’s Prize from the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung, DGZfP (2023) for the Research Project „Using Machine Learning Approaches to Remove the Effect of Environmental Conditions from Structural Response Data“.
“Study of the Structural Performance of Houses Built with Recycled Plastic Masonry” (2019-2020).
“Evaluation of the Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Block Masonry Structures” (2017-2018). A project supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA.
Dąbrowska J., Menéndez Orellana A.E., Kilian W., Moryl A., Cielecka N., Michałowska K., Policht-Latawiec A., Michalski , A., Bednarek A., Włóka, A. (2023) Between flood and drought: How cities are facing water surplus and scarcity. Journal of Environmental Management, Elsevier, 345, 118557.
Schabowicz, K., Menéndez Orellana A.E., Andrianos, N. (2022, October). Analysis of selected non-destructive methods for diagnosis in new and old buildings. In Proceedings of the 49th National Conference on Non-destructive Testing, Kolobrzeg, Poland. pp. 63-70.