Articles published in journals or proceedings with a peer-review system (Artikel veröffentlicht in Zeitschriften oder Tagungsbänden mit Peer-review-System)
(Σ 152)
2025 (3)
Menéndez Orellana AE, Mendler A, Schmid S, Grosse CU (2025). Predictive probability of detection curves for ultrasonic testing, NDT & E International, 103346, ISSN 0963-8695,
Burger R, Heilig M, Grosse CU, Wu D (2025). Material parameter inversion using cross-entropy optimization based on Lamb Wave dispersion spectra,
NDT & E International, Vol 153, 103345, ISSN 0963-8695,
Arndt R, Grosse CU, Niederleithinger E, Mähner D, Taffe A, Algernon D (2025). Non-destructive testing in civil engineering - A memorandum for teaching NDTCE at universities. J. Civ. Eng. Design, 1-12, Wiley Publ., Ernst & Sohn.
2024 (11)
Grosse CU, Wurzer O, Heiserer H, Maier B, Mohiuddin T (2024). Integrated sustainability and quality assurance concepts for subway constructions based on inspection and monitoring. Proc. No. 67, fib Symposium ReConStruct, Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13 November 2024 (Eds. Henry RS & Palermo A), Fédération Internationale du Béton, ISBN: 978-2-940643-25-7, 275-282
Schromm T, Beckmann F, Moosmann J, Berthe D, Pfeiffer F, Grosse CU (2024). Challenges in non-destructive X-ray CT testing of riveted joints in the automotive industry. Discov Appl Sci 6, 333.
Mendler A, Rada Erazo J, Ismael M, Ezzy M, Jacobs B, Haberland C, Krautblatter M, Helal H, Grosse CU (2024). Vibration Monitoring of the Rock Formation Above the Hatshepsut Temple. Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 10-13, 2024 in Potsdam, Germany. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing .
Mendler A, Marsili F, Kessler S, Grosse CU (2024). Optimal Sensor Placement with Minimal Predicted Posterior Variance. Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 10-13, 2024 in Potsdam, Germany. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing .
Schmid S, Timothy JJ, Woydich E, Kollofrath J, Grosse CU (2024). Comparison of methods for estimating Young’s moduli of mortar specimens. Sci Rep 14, 14198 (2024).
Burger R, Hallum GE, Auer R, Schweiger D, Redka D, Domke M, Grosse CU, Huber HP, Wu D (2024).Velocimetry of GHz elastic surface waves in quartz and fused silica based on full-field imaging of pump–probe reflectometry. Photoacoustics 38,100627,
Scherr JF, Grosse CU, Popovics JS (2024). Evaluation of non-destructive impact-echo data from the national bridge inventory, J. Developments in the Built Environment 18 (100468),
Lang, J.J., Li, X., Micheler, C.M, Wilhelm NJ, Seidl F, Schwaiger BJ, Barnewitz D, von Eisenhart-Rothe R, Grosse CU, Burgkart R (2024). Numerical evaluation of internal femur osteosynthesis based on a biomechanical model of the loading in the proximal equine hindlimb. BMC Vet Res 20, 188.
Hoppe KA, Schmid S, Kollofrath J, Marburg S, Grosse CU (2004). Evaluation of inversion approaches for plates based on guided waves and modal analysis. Discov Appl Sci 6, 258.
Schmid S, Reinhardt J, Grosse CU (2024). Spatial and temporal deep learning for defect detection with lock-in thermography, NDT & E International, Vol. 143, 103063, ISSN 0963-8695,
Schmid S, Schumacher T, Grosse CU (2024). On the feasibility of ultrasonic full waveform evaluation with changing testing conditions for the quality control of manufacturing parts. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 1–26.
2023 (18)
Grosse CU, Algernon D, Arndt R, Feistkorn S, Niederleithinger E, Taffe A (2023). Some developments in the field of non-destructive testing - new devices and techniques, industrial training and academic education. Wiley Publ., ce/papers, 6: 1443-1451.
Reinhardt J, Tischer M, Schmid S, Kollofrath J, Burger, R, Jatzlau P, Bushart E, Goldammer M, Grosse CU (2023). X-ray-based examination of artworks by Cy Twombly: art technology and condition of the ‘Original Sculptures’. Herit Sci 11, 237 (2023).
Elsässer C, Angelin EM, Montag P, Hilbig H, Grosse CU, Pamplona M (2023). Frozen, Cold, or Cool? Chemical Assessment of the Effectiveness of Storage Conditions for Celluloid 3D Objects. Polymers. 2023; 15(20):4056.
Rupfle J, Wondra B, Grosse CU (2023). Long-Term Multiple Sensor Monitoring of a Hybrid Tower Wind Turbine – Lessons Learned. In M. P. Limongelli et al. (Eds.): EVACES 2023, LNCE 432, Springer Publ., pp 539–549.
Schmid S, Hachmann C, Boehm C, Krischer L, Mendler A, Kollofrath J, Grosse CU (2023). Estimating Young's Moduli Based on Ultrasound and Full-Waveform Inversion. Ultrasonics, 107165,
Kessler S, Grosse CU (2023). Hands-On Training of Non-destructive Testing Using a Mock-Up in the Curriculum of Civil Engineers, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation,
Mendler A, Döhler M, Grosse CU (2023). Predictive probability of detection curves based on data from undamaged structures.J. of Structural Health Monitoring,
Frisch J, Blaensdorf C, Hempfer A, Pamplona-Bartsch M. Grosse CU (2023). Active thermography to look beneath the surface of a historic German aircraft. Proceedings of the European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT) from 3 to -7 of July 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing Vol. 1(1).
Frisch J, Sripragash L, Goldammer M, Grosse CU (2023). Layer thickness measurement of ceramic systems with a numerical model for flash thermography. Proceedings of the European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT) from 3 to -7 of July 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing Vol. 1(1).
Stüwe I, Pasch P, Grosse CU (2023). Automatized Scaling Monitoring in Pipelines with Resonance Testing. Proceedings of the European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT) from 3 to -7 of July 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing Vol. 1(1).
Schmid S, Wei H, Grosse CU (2023). On the uncertainty in the segmentation of ultrasound images reconstructed with the total focusing method. SN Appl. Sci. 5, 108 (2023).
Elkarmoty M, Rupfle J, Helal K, Sholqamy M, Fath-Elbab M, Kollofrath J, Maier B, Hamza AG, Ramirez-Pinero A, Schumacher T, Deraz R, Sessa C, Popovych O, Anwar H, Taie K, Tayoubi M, Grosse CU, Helal H (2023). Localization and shape determination of a hidden corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza using non-destructive testing, NDT & E International, 102809,
Elsässer C, Mayr V, Montag P, Angelin EM, Hilbig H, Grosse CU, Pamplona M (2023). Mock-Ups in Plastic Conservation Research: Processing and Aging of 3D Celluloid Specimens Simulating Historical Objects. Polymers. 2023; 15(4):852.
Stüwe I, Zacherl L, Grosse CU (2023). Ultrasonic and Impact-Echo Testing for the Detection of Scaling in Geothermal Pipelines. J. of Nondestructive Testing 42 (18), Springer Publ. 12 p.
Scherr JF, Kollofrath J, Popovics JS, Bühling B, Grosse CU (2023). Detection of Delaminations in Concrete Plates Using a Laser Ablation Impact Echo Technique. J Nondestruct Eval 42, 11.
Saleh AM, Mourad SA, Elanwar HH, Metwally OK, Zeidan E, Adam MA, Ameen MF, Helal KR, Sholqamy MS, Allam HE, Ismael MI, Mostafa KA, Helal HM, Elbanhawy AY, Grosse CU, Bakhoum MM, Farag MM, Matar HB, Eltobgy HH, Moharram MI, Marzouk MM, Metawie MS, Ali MR, Sayed AN, Mohamed MG, Elkarmoty MM (2023). The restoration and erection of the world’s first elevated obelisk. Sci Rep 13, 2065.
Bente K, Rus J, Mooshofer H, Gaal M, Grosse CU (2023). Broadband Air-Coupled Ultrasound Emitter and Receiver Enable Simultaneous Measurement of Thickness and Speed of Sound in Solids. Sensors 23, 1379.
Elkarmoty M, Helal K, Allam H, Ali M, Sholqamy M, Elbakri A, Deraz R, Pugacheva P, Rupfle J, Kollofrath J, Sessa C, Popovych O, Maier B, Pinero A, Schumacher T, Procureur S, Gomez H, Attié D, Mandjavidze I, Magnier P, Benoit M, Gable P, Guerriero E, Serikoff N, Mouret JB, Charlès B, Lehuraux M, Benoit T, Calvet D, Coppolani X, Kebbiri M, Mas P, Bouteille S, Morishima K, Kuno M, Nishio A, Kitagawa N, Manabe Y, Takasaki F, Fujii H, Satoh K, Kodama H, Hayashi K, Odaka S, Date Y, Sugiura M, Anwar H, Tayoubi M, Helal H, & Grosse CU (2023). Discovery and validation of the North Face Corridor in the Great Pyramid of Giza using non-destructive techniques. Proceedings of the European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT) from 3 to -7 of July 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing Vol. 1(1).
2022 (10)
Grosse CU (2022). Academic education in NDT-CE in the times of pandemia. International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2022), 16-18 August 2022, Zurich, Switzerland.
Arndt R, Grosse CU, Mähner D, Niederleithinger E, Taffe A, Algernon D, Berger J, Kessler S, Krüger M, Kruschwitz S, Ufermann-Wallmeier D, Walther A (2022). Non-destructive testing in civil engineering: A memorandum for teaching at German-speaking universities. International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2022), 16-18 August 2022, Zurich, Switzerland.
Feistkorn S, Algernon D, Arndt R, Ebell G, Friese M, Grosse CU, Holstein R, Niederleithinger E, Schickert M, Schulze S, Taffe A, Walther A, Wolf J, Zoëga A, Zwanzig M (2022). Introduction to DIN 4871: Qualification of NDT Personnel in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE). International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2022), 16-18 August 2022, Zurich, Switzerland.
Keßler S, Grosse CU (2022). Hands-on training of non-destructive testing using a mock-up in the curricu-lum of civil engineers. International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2022), 16-18 August 2022, Zurich, Switzerland.
Scherr J, Grosse CU, Popovics J (2022). Evaluation of Impact Echo Data from the National Bridge Inventory. International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2022), 16-18 August 2022, Zurich, Switzerland.
Scherr J, Dallinger S, Püschel D, Mazur J, Grosse CU (2022). Delamination Detection in Concrete Plates using a Laser Ablation Impact Echo Technique. International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2022), 16-18 August 2022, Zurich, Switzerland.
Mendler A, Döhler M, Grosse CU (2022). Selection of damage-sensitive features based on probability of detection curves. IOMAC 2022 - 9th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, Jul 2022, Vancouver, Canada. pp.1-11. hal-03722892
Wondra B, Rupfle J, Emiroglu A, Grosse CU (2023). Analysis of Icing on Wind Turbines by Combined Wireless and Wired Acceleration Sensor Monitoring. In: Rizzo, P., Milazzo, A. (eds) European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. EWSHM 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 253. Springer, Cham.
Bauer F, Forndran D, Schromm T, Grosse CU (2022). Practical Part-Specific Trajectory Optimization for Robot-Guided Inspection via Computed Tomography, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 41:55, Published online 31 Jul 2022. (Link:
Rupfle J, Emiroglu A, Grosse CU. (2022). Investigation of the Measurability of Selected Damage to Supporting Structures of Wind Turbines. Journal of Physics Conference Series. doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2151/1/012008
2021 (9)
Lauff P, Pugacheva P, Rutzen M, Weiß U, Fischer O, Volkmer D, Peter M, Grosse CU. (2021). Evaluation of the Behavior of Carbon Short Fiber Reinforced Concrete (CSFRC) Based on a Multi-Sensory Experimental Investigation and a Numerical Multiscale Approach. Materials 2021, 14(22), 7005. doi: 10.3390/ma14227005
Ertelt M, Hilbig H, Grosse CU, Lieleg O. (2021). Small Pores, Big Impact-Controlling the Porosity Allows for Developing More Sustainable Construction Materials. ACS Stustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021 9(39), 13188-13195, doi: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c03625
Schromm T, Grosse CU. (2021). Automatic generation of cross sections from computed tomography data of mechanical joining elements for quality analysis. SN Appl. Sci. 3, 832.
Lang JJ, Bastian M, Foehr P, Seebach M, Weitz J, von Deimling C, Schwaiger B J, Micheler C M, Wilhelm NJ, Grosse CU, Kesting M, Burgkart R. (2021). Improving mandibular reconstruction by using topology optimization, patient specific design and additive manufacturing?—A biomechanical comparison against miniplates on human specimen. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0253002, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0253002
Ertelt MJ, Bubendorfer L, Grosse CU, Lieleg O. (2021). Bacterial spores as hydrophobizing agents in mortar. Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 120, 104002. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2021.104002
Bauer F, Goldammer M, Grosse CU. (2021). Selection and evaluation of spherical acquisition trajectories for industrial computed tomography. Proc. of the Royal Society A 477 (2250). doi:10.1098/rspa.2021.0192
Jehn J, Oser P, Maz Courrau MA, Kaiser M, Wu D, Grosse CU, Moosheimer U, Ruediger A, Schindler C. (2021). Fully Inkjet-Printed Carbon Nanotube-PDMS-Based Strain Sensor: Temperature Response, Compressive and Tensile Bending Properties, and Fatigue Investigations. IEEE Access 9, pp. 72207-72216. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3078799
Scherr, J. F.; Grosse, CU. (2020). Delamination detection on a concrete bridge deck using impact echo scanning. Structural Concrete 22, 806–812. doi:10.1002/suco.202000415
Rutzen M, Lauff P, Niedermeier R, Fischer O, Raith M, Grosse CU, Weiss U, Peter M, Volkmer D. (2021). Influence of fiber alignment on pseudoductility and microcracking in a cementitious carbon fiber composite material. Materials and Structures, Vol 54. doi:10.1617/s11527-021-01649-2
2020 (8)
Ertelt MJ, Raith M, Eisinger J, Grosse CU, Lieleg O. (2020). Bacterial Additives Improve the Water Re-sistance of Mortar. ACS Chemistry & Engineering, Vol. 8, Issue 14, pp 5704-5715,
Rus J, Grosse CU. (2020). Thickness measurement via local ultrasonic resonance spectroscopy. Ultrason-ics. Band 109.
Holtmann J, Kiefel D, Neumann S, Stoessel R, Grosse CU. (2020). A Data Driven Approach to the Online Monitoring of the Additive Manufacturing Process. Advanced Materials Research, Sonderausgabe zur Konferenz Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 1161, pp 137-144, Accepted: 2020-06-04, Online: 2021-03-25, ISSN: 1662-8985.
Rus J, Grosse CU. (2020). Local Ultrasonic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Demonstration on Plate Inspec-tion. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. Band 39. Article 31, 8pp.
Scherr JF, Grosse CU. (2020). Delamination detection on a concrete bridge deck using impact echo scan-ning. Structural Concrete. 2020, pp. 1–7.
Rus J, Gustschin A, Mooshofer H, Grager J, Bente K, Gaal M, Pfeiffer F, Grosse CU. (2020). Qualitative comparison of non-destructive methods for inspection of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer laminates. Journal of Composite Materialsm, Vol. 54, No. 27, Nov. 2020, pp. 4325-4337. DOI: 10.1177/0021998320931162.
Botz M, Emiroglu A, Osterminski K, Raith M, Wüchner R, Grosse CU. (2020). Überwachung und Modellierung der Tragstruktur von Windenergieanlagen. Ernst & Sohn Verlag. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 115, Heft 5. ISSN 0005-9900. DOI: 10.1002/best.202000001.
Oser P, Düttmann O, Schmid F, Schulte-Spechtel L, Grosse CU, Datong W. (2020). Synthesis and Characterization of CNT Composites for Laser‐Generated Ultrasonic Waves. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Volume 305, Issue 4.
2019 (12)
Grosse CU. (2019). Entwicklung und Anwendung der Ultraschalltechnik zur Qualitätssicherung von Beton: unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Beiträge von Prof. Hans‐Wolf Reinhardt. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Vol. 114, Issue 12, Dec. 2019, pp. 938-946. DOI: 10.1002/best.201900061.
Rutzen M, Volkmer D, Weiss U, Reischmann L, Peter P, Lauff P, Fischer O, Raith M, Grosse CU. (2019), Microstructural analysis of crack growth caused by static and dynamic loads in a carbon fiber reinforced cement paste. International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 Sep 2019 (SEMC 2019).
Botz M, Raith M, Emiroglu A, Wondra B, Grosse CU. (2019). Structural health monitoring as a tool for smart maintenance of wind turbines. In: Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovations, Mechanics and Applications, Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC19), Ed. A. Zingoni CRC Press, Taylor & Francis,
Geiss CT, Grosse CU. (2019). A concept for an integrated risk-based operation and maintenance strategy for wind turbines. International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 Sep 2019 (SEMC 2019).
Obermeier S, Geiss C, Grosse CU. (2019). Conception of an interface for rotor blade inspections to semantic database for wind turbines. International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 Sep 2019 (SEMC 2019).
Pflieger I, Stolberg-Stolberg J, Foehr P, Kuntz L, Tübel J, Grosse CU, Burgkart R (2019). Full biomechanical mapping of the ovine knee joint to determine creep-recovery, stiffness and thickness variation. Clinical Biomechanics, Volume 67, July 2019, Pages 1-7, DOI:
Botz M, Harhaus G, Grosse CU. (2019). Monitoring modal parameters and external loads of wind turbines for remaining useful life analysis. International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures (SMSS 2019), 20-22 March 2019, Rovinj, Croatia.
Grosse CU, Arndt R W, Mähner D, Niederleithinger E, Taffe A. (2019). Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung im Bauwesen: Memorandum zur Lehre an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen. Bautechnik. Volume 96, Issue 4. DOI: 10.1002/bate.201900008.
Wondra B, Malek S, Botz M, Glaser SD, Grosse CU. (2019). Wireless High-Resolution Acceleration Measurements for Structural Health Monitoring of Wind Turbine Towers. J. of Data-Enabled Discovery and Applications 43, Springer Publ.,
Raith M, Kränkel T, Grosse CU. (2019). Application of Acoustic Emission Analysis — Pullout Experiments with Bonded Anchors. ACI Structural Journal Vol. 116-S05, pp. 51-56. DOI: 10.14359/51711135.
Algernon D, Arndt RW, Denzel W, Ebsen B, Feistkorn S, Friese M, Grosse CU, Kathage S, Kessler S, Köpp C, Küttenbaum S, Lohse S, Maack S, Niederleithinger E, Schickert M, Schröder G, Taffe A, Timofeev J, Walter A, Wilcke M, Wolf J, Wöstmann J. (2019). NDT Procedures in Relation to Quality Assurance and Validation of Nondestructive Testing in Civil Engineering. Proc. NDE/NDT Structural Materials Technology for Highways and Bridges (SMT), American Society for Nondestructive Testing, pp 31-38, ISBN: 978-1-57117-456-7.
Algernon D, Arndt RW, Denzel W, Ebsen B, Feistkorn S, Friese M, Grosse CU, Kathage S, Kessler S, Köpp C, Küttenbaum S, Lohse C, Maack S, Niederleithinger E, Schickert M, Schröder G, Taffe A, Timofeev J, Walter A, Wilcke M, Wolf J, WöstmannJ. (2019). Test Specimen Concepts in Regard to Quality Assurance and Validation of Nondestructive Testing. Proc. NDE/NDT Structural Materials Technology for Highways and Bridges (SMT), American Society for Nondestructive Testing, pp 39-48, ISBN: 978-1-57117-456-7.
2018 (6)
Raith M, Ebert M, Pinkert K, Grosse CU. (2018). Nondestructive imaging of hypervelocity impact-induced damage zones beneath laboratory-created craters by means of ultrasound travel-time tomography. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Volume 53, Issue 8.
Geiss CT, Grosse CU. (2018). A concept for a holistic risk-based operation and maintenance strategy for wind turbines. European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL) 2018. – Safe Societies in a Changing World. Haugen et al. (Eds), Publ. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2018. pp. 539-546, ISBN 978-0-8153-8682-7.
Stolberg-Stolberg J, Foehr P, Pflieger I, Kuntz L, von Deimling C, Obermeier A, Prodinger PM, Grosse CU, Burgkart R. (2018). Analysis of Cartilage Creep Recovery Using a Highly Dynamic Closed-loop Test System. Journal of Bionic Engineering 15, Issue 6, pp 1057–1066: .
Snoeck D, Malm F, Cnudde V, Grosse CU, Van Tittelboom K. (2018). Validation of Self-Healing Properties of Construction Materials through Nondestructive and Minimal Invasive Testing. Advanced Materials Interfaces, Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/admi.201800179.
Kenkmann T, Deutsch A, Thoma K, Ebert M, Poelchau MH, Buhl E, Carl ER, Danilewsky AN, Dresen G, Dufresne A, Durr N, Ehm L, Grosse CU, Gulde M, Güldemeister N, Hamann C, Hecht L, Hiermaier S, Hoerth T, Kowitz A, Langenhorst F, Lexow B, Liermann HP, Luther R, Mansfeld U, Moser D, Raith M, Reimold WU, Sauer M, Schäfer F, Schmitt RT, Sommer F, Wilk J, Winkler R, Wünnemann K. (2018). Experimental impact cratering: A summary of the major results of the MEMIN research unit. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 1-26, doi: 10.1111/maps.13048
Zhang H, Robitaille F, Grosse CU, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Martins JO, Sfarra S, Maldague XPV. (2018). Optical excitation thermography for twill/plain weaves and stitched fabric dry carbon fibre preform inspection. Composites: Part A, .
2017 (4)
Kessler S, Thiel C, Grosse CU, Gehlen C. (2017). Effect of freeze-thaw damage on chloride ingress into concrete. Materials and Structures. 2017, 121, No.50. (09.12.16).
Eggert S, Tuebel J, Foehr P, Kuntz L, Obermeier A, Marthen C, Grosse CU, Burgkart R. (2017). Image-Based Histological Evaluation of Scaffold-Free 3D Osteoblast Cultures. J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2017, 2, 42;
Iliopoulos SN, Malm F, Grosse CU, Aggelis DG, Polyzos D. (2017). Concrete wave dispersion interpretation through Mindlin´s strain gradient elastic theory. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Volume 142, Issue 1, DOI: 10.1121/1.4994283.
Iliopoulos SN, Malm F, Grosse CU, Aggelis DG. (2017). Experimental investigation of wave dispersion in hardened concrete and reference liquid media.Proceedings SPIE 10171, Smart Materials and Nondestructive Evaluation for Energy Systems 2017, 101710O, .
2016 (4)
Wondra B, Botz M, Grosse CU. (2016). Wireless monitoring of structural components of wind turbines including tower and foundations. The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016), IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753, .
Kocur GK, Saenger EH, Grosse CU, Vogel T. (2016). Time reverse modeling of acoustic emissions in a reinforced concrete beam, Ultrasonics. 65, February 2016, pp 96-104, ISSN 0041-624X,
Grumbein S, Minev D, Tallawi M, Boettcher K, Prade F, Pfeiffer F, Grosse CU, Lieleg O. (2016). Hydrophobic Properties of Biofilm-Enriched Hybrid Mortar. Adv. Mater. 28, No 37, pp 8138-8143,
Grosse CU, Malm F. (2016). Combination of Inspection and Monitoring Techniques for the Detection of Fractures in Concrete with Self-Healing Properties, The 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS-9, Berkeley, California.
2015 (6)
Groschup R, Grosse CU. (2015). Enhancing Air-Coupled Impact-Echo with Microphone Arrays. Proceedings of the International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering, Berlin (NDT-CE 2015.
Grosse CU. (2015). Concepts for the integration of NDT courses into the academic curriculum of universities. Proceedings of the International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering, Berlin (NDT-CE 2015).
Richter R, Juknat M, Dehn F, Grosse CU. (2015). Überwachung der zeitabhängigen Entwicklung des Abplatzverhaltens von Beton unter Brandeinwirkung. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 110(5): pp 349-354.
Hornfeck C, Geiss C, Rücker M, Grosse CU. (2015). Comparative Study of State of the Art Nondestructive Testing Methods with the Local Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopyto Detect Damages in GFRP. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, ISSN 0195-9298, Volume 34, Number 2, pp. 1-14, DOI 10.1007/s10921-015-0283-y.
Prade F, Chabior M, Malm F, Grosse CU, PfeifferF. (2015). Observing the setting and hardening of cementitious materials by X-ray dark-field radiography. Cement and Concrete Research 74 (2015), pp. 19–25.
Groschup R, Große CU. (2015). MEMS Microphone Array Sensor for Air-Coupled Impact-Echo, Sensors 2015, 15 (7), pp. 14932-14945;
2014 (3)
Grosse CU, Malm F. (2014). Development and testing of Concrete with properties to repair itself. BFT International (80), No. 2, ISSN: 0373-4331, 20-24.
Raith M, Grosse CU. (2014). Sonification of acoustic emission data. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 11199.
Wünnemann K, Grosse CU, Güldemeister N, Moser D. (2014). Numerical modeling and acoustic testing techniques at impact craters on a laboratory scale – what can we learn to better understand meteorite craters? Abstract, 74. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Karlsruhe, MI-1.002, p. 202.
2013 (6)
Moser D, Güldemeister N, Wünnemann K, Grosse CU. (2013). Acoustic Emission Analysis of Experimental Impact Processes in Comparison to Ultrasound Measurements and Numerical Modeling. J. of Acoustic Emission 31, No 1, 50–66.
Jüngert A, Grosse C, Krüger M. (2013). Local Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (LARS) for Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Applications. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 32, No. 1, 23-33,
Grosse CU, Van Tittelboom K, De Belie N. (2013). Non-destructive testing techniques for the observation of healing effects in cementitious materials – an introduction. 4th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials - ICSHM 2013, Abstract ID No : CM-02
Grosse CU, Schumacher T. (2013). Anwendungen der Schallemissionsanalyse an Betonbauwerken. Bautechnik 90 (11), 721-731,
Moser D, Poelchau MH, Stark F, Grosse CU. (2013). Application of nondestructive testing methods to study the damage zone underneath impact craters of MEMIN laboratory experiments. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48, Nr 1, 87–98.
Van Tittelboom K, De Belie N, Lehmann F, Grosse CU. (2013). Use of acoustic emission analysis to evaluate the self-healing capability of concrete. In “Non-destructive Testing of Materials and Structures”, ISBN: 978-94-007-0723-8, Springer Publ., 51-58.
2012 (4)
Van Tittelboom K, De Belie N, Lehmann F, Grosse CU. (2012). Acoustic emission analysis for the quantification of autonomous crack healing in concrete. J. of Construction and Building Mat. 28, pp 333-341.
Grosse CU. (2012). Evolution of NDT Methods for Structures and Materials: Some Successes and Failures. . In “Non-destructive Testing of Materials and Structures”, ISBN: 978-94-007-0723-8, Springer Publ., 3-18.
Robeyst N, Grosse CU, De Belie N. (2012). Factors affecting the monitoring of the initial setting of concrete by ultrasonic P-waves. In “Non-destructive Testing of Materials and Structures”, ISBN: 978-94-007-0723-8, Springer Publ., 423-430.
Krüger M, Grosse CU, Lehmann F. (2012). Automated shear-wave techniques to investigate the setting and hardening of concrete in through-transmission. In “Non-destructive Testing of Materials and Structures”, ISBN: 978-94-007-0723-8, Springer Publ., 431-436.
2011 (2)
Robeyst N, Grosse CU, De Belie N. (2011). Relating ultrasonic measurements on fresh concrete with mineral additions to the microstructure development simulated by CEMHYD3D. Cement & Concrete Composites Vol. 33, 680–693.
Robeyst N, De Schutter G, Grosse CU, De Belie N. (2011). Monitoring the effect of admixtures on early-age concrete behaviour by ultrasonic, calorimetric, strength and rheometer measurements. Magazine of Concrete Research, 63 (10), pp. 707-721,
2010 (7)
Grosse CU, Ožbolt J, Richter R, Periškić G. (2010). Acoustic emission analysis and thermo-hygro-mechanical model for concrete exposed to fire. J. of Acoustic Emission 28, 188-203.
McLaskey GC, Glaser SD, Grosse CU. (2010). Beamforming array techniques for acoustic emission monitoring of large concrete structures. J. of Sound & Vibration 329, 2384-2394.
Grosse CU, Glaser SD, Krüger M. (2010). Initial development of wireless acoustic emission sensor motes for civil infrastructure state monitoring. J. of Smart Structures & Systems 6, No. 3, 197-209.
Van Tittelboom K, De Belie N, Lehmann F, Grosse CU. (2010). Towards durable concrete that repairs cracks autonomously. In RILEM Pro 74 "Use of Superabsorbent Polymers and Other New Additives in Concrete" (Eds. Jensen, Hasholt, Laustsen), ISBN 978-2-35158-104-9, Springer, 285-292. e-ISBN: 978-2-35158-105-6
Grosse CU. (2010). Ultrasound testing for early age quality control of concrete. Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Structural Faults & Repair (Ed. M. Forde), Edinburgh, ISBN 0-947644-67-9, 9 p.
Lehmann F, Krüger M, Grosse CU. (2010). Non-destructive testing of timber bridges using ultrasound techniques. Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Structural Faults&Repair (Ed. M.Forde), Edinburgh, ISBN 0-947644-67-9, 9 p.
Krüger M, Lehmann F, Grosse CU. (2010). Acoustic emission monitoring of wire breaks at the humber suspension bridge. Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Structural Faults & Repair (Ed. M. Forde), Edinburgh, ISBN 0-947644-67-9, 12 p.
2009 (7)
Krüger M, Grosse CU. (2009). Ereignisbasierte Messwerterfassung in drahtlosen Sensornetzwerken für die Strukturüberwachung, tm-Technisches Messen 76, No. 12, pp. 568-577.
Robeyst N, Grosse CU, De Belie N. (2009). Measuring the change in ultrasonic p-wave energy transmitted in fresh mortar with additives to monitor the setting. Cem. Con. Res. Vol. 39, 868-875.
Bachmaier S, Krüger M, Grosse CU. (2009). A Survey on Power Management for Long-Term Measurements using Wireless Sensor Networks. 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), 22-24 July 2009, Zurich, Switzerland, 9 p.
Jüngert A, Grosse CU. (2009). Inspection techniques for wind turbine blades using ultrasound and sound waves, Intern. Symp. Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), ISBN: 978-2-7208-2542-5, Nantes, pp 625-632.
Grosse CU. (2009). Acoustic emission localization methods for large structures based on beamforming and array techniques, Intern. Symp. Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), ISBN: 978-2-7208-2542-5, Nantes, pp 923-929.
Schickert M, Neisecke J, Brameshuber W, Colla C, Flohrer C, Gardei A, Grosse CU, Krause M, Kroggel O, Krüger M, Willmes M. (2009). DGZfP Merkblatt B11 – A Guideline Describing Fundamentals and Applications of the Impact-Echo Method, Intern. Symp. Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE), ISBN: 978-2-7208-2542-5, Nantes, pp 807-811.
Robeyst N, Grosse CU, De Belie N. (2009). Monitoring fresh concrete by ultrasonic transmission measurements: exploratory multi-way analysis of the spectral information. J. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol. 95, pp 64-73.
2008 (4)
Robeyst N, Gruyaert E, Grosse CU, De Belie N. (2008). Monitoring the setting of concrete containing blast-furnace slag by measuring the ultrasonic p-wave velocity. Cem. Con. Res. Vol. 38, pp 1169-1176.
Beutel R, Reinhardt H-W, Grosse CU, Glaubitt A, Krause M, Maierhofer C, Algernon D, Wiggenhauser H, Schickert M. (2008). Comparative performance tests and validation of NDT methods for concrete testing. J. of Nondestructive Evaluation, No.27, doi:10.1007/s10921-008-0037-1, pp 59-65.
De Belie N, Grosse CU, Baert G. (2008). Ultrasonic transmission to monitor setting and hardening of fly ash concrete. ACI Materials Journal, V. 105, No. 3, pp 221-226.
Grosse CU. (2008). Monitoring of structures using wireless sensors and acoustic emission techniques. In “Challenges for Civil Construction” (A. Marques Torres et al., Ed.), Invited paper, Proc. of the int. conf. CCC2008, ISBN: 978-972-752-100-5, pp 28-38.
2007 (3)
Grosse CU, Reinhardt H-W. (2007). A new concept for bridge monitoring using a wireless sensor network. International Conference “Concrete Platform 2007”, Belfast. pp 271-284
Schumacher T, Higgins C, Glaser S, Grosse CU. (2007). Demand on flexural tension steel reinforcement anchorage zones in full-scale bridge bent caps quantified by means of acoustic emission. J. Acoust. Emission, Vol. 25, pp 316-323.
Grosse CU. (2007). Preiswerte und kabellose Überwachung von Bauwerken - Praktische Anwendungen. Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Plant and Precast Technology, 73 (2), pp. 94-97.
2006 (3)
Beushausen H, Taffe A, Grosse CU. (2006). Non destructive testing of hardened concrete – test methods, applications, limitations. Concrete Plant + Precast Technology/Betonwerk+Fertigteil-Technik, BFT vol. 3, pp 90-100.
Grosse CU, Finck F. (2006). Quantitative Evaluation of Fracture Processes in Concrete Using Signal-Based Acoustic Emission Techniques. Cement and Concrete Composites vol. 28, pp 330-336.
Kurz J, Finck F, Grosse CU. (2006). Stress drop and stress redistribution in concrete quantified over time by the b-value analysis. J. of Structural Health Monitoring, vol. 5, no. 1, pp 69-81.
2005 (7)
Krüger M, Grosse CU, Marrón PJ. (2005). Wireless structural health monitoring using MEMS. Key Engineering Mat., vol. 293-294, pp 625-634.
Voigt T, Grosse CU, Sun Z, Shah SP, Reinhardt H-W. (2005). Comparison of ultrasonic wave transmission and reflection measurements with P- and S-waves on early age mortar and concrete. J. of Mat. and Structures, Vol. 38, pp 729-738.
Kurz J, Grosse CU, Reinhardt H-W. (2005). Strategies for reliable automatic onset time picking of acoustic emissions and of ultrasound signals in concrete. Ultrasonics 43, pp 538-546.
De Belie N, Grosse CU, Kurz J, Reinhardt H-W. (2005). Ultrasound monitoring of the influence of different accelerating admixtures and cement types for shotcrete on setting and hardening behaviour. Cement and Concrete Res. Vol. 35, No. 11, pp 2087-2094.
Grosse CU. (2005). Qualitätssicherung von Frischbeton mit Ultraschall. Betonwerk+Fertigteil-Technik, BFT vol. 2, pp 90-91.
Grosse CU, Reinhardt H-W. (2005). Advanced testing methods for cement based materials during setting and hardening. Conc. Plant Int. Vol. 5, pp 66-80.
Grosse CU. (2005). Quality management of fresh concrete – fresh concrete analysis with ultrasound. Concrete Plant + Precast Technology/Betonwerk+Fertigteil-Technik, BFT vol. 6, pp 26-32.
2004 (2)
Reinhardt H-W, Grosse CU. (2004). Continuous monitoring of setting and hardening of mortar and concrete. J. of Constr. and Build. Mat. 18, No. 3, pp 145-154.
Grosse CU, Finck F, Kurz J, Reinhardt H-W. (2004). Improvements of the acoustic emission technique using wavelet algorithms, coherence functions and automatic data analysis techniques. J. of Constr. and Build. Mat. 18, No. 3, pp 203-213.
2003 (3)
Grosse CU, Reinhardt H-W, Finck F. (2003). Signal-based acoustic emission techniques in civil engineering. J. of Mat. in Civ. Eng. 15, No. 3, pp 274-279.
Reinhardt H-W, Krüger M, Grosse CU. (2003). Concrete prestressed with textile fabric. J. of Adv. Conc. Tech 1, No. 3, pp 231-239.
Finck F, Yamanouchi M, Reinhardt H-W, Grosse CU. (2003). Evaluation of mode I failure of concrete in a splitting test using acoustic emission technique. Intern. J. of Fracture 124, pp 139-152.
2002 (2)
Reinhardt H-W, Krüger M, Grosse CU. (2002). Thin plates prestressed with textile reinforcement. ACI SP-206-22. In: Concrete – Material science to application (Ed. P. Balaguru et al.), ACI International, pp 355-372.
Cruz Hidalgo R, Grosse CU, Kun F, Reinhardt H-W, Herrmann H. (2002). Evolution of percolating force chains in compressed granular media. Phys. Rev. Let. 89, No. 20, pp. 205501/1 – 205501/4.
2001 (1)
Grosse CU. (2001). Verbesserung der Qualitätssicherung von Frischbeton mit Ultraschall. Betonwerk+Fertigteil-Technik, BFT Vol. 67, No. 1, pp 102-104.
1991 – 2000 (7)
Reinhardt H-W, Grosse CU, Herb A. (2000). Ultrasonic monitoring of setting and hardening of cement mortar - A new device. Materials & Structures 33, pp 580-583.
Grosse CU, Reinhardt H-W. (1999). Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur automatischen Lokalisierung von Schallemissionsquellen. Die Materialprüfung 41, pp 342-347.
Grosse CU, Reinhardt H-W, Dahm T. (1997). Localization and Classification of Fracture Types in Concrete with Quantitative Acoustic Emission Measurement Techniques. NDT&E Intern. 30, 4, pp 223-230.
Grosse CU, Weiler B, Reinhardt H-W. (1997). Relative moment tensor inversion applied to concrete fracture tests. J. of Acoustic Emission, 14, 3-4, pp S64-S87.
Grosse CU, Busse G. (1996). The collaborative research center SFB 381 at the University of Stuttgart using internet resources. BINST "Insight" 38, No. 1, p. 24.
Balázs GL, Grosse CU, Koch R, Reinhardt H-W. (1996). Damage accumulation on deformed steel bar to concrete interaction detected by acoustic emission technique. Mag. of Concrete Research 48, Nr. 177, pp 311-320.
Prodehl K, Mechie J, Kaminski W, Fuchs K, Grosse CU, et al. (1991). Large-scale variation in lithospheric structure along and across the Kenya rift. Nature 354, Nr. 21.